APD > Individual Comprehensive Assessment

The Individual Comprehensive Assessment (ICA) will replace the Questionnaire for Situational Information (QSI).  The QSI is currently designated as APD’s assessment tool to determine a client’s needs in the areas of functional, behavioral, and physical status. 
The ICA is an in-depth assessment that follows a person-centered interview process encouraging the iBudget Florida client and their supports to discuss what is important and necessary to maintain well-being, meet needs, and recognize preferred lifestyle choices.  The gathering of personal information will include a face-to-face interview with the person having a developmental disability, and whenever possible, an interview will include the person’s guardian, the person’s family, and the person’s circle of support.
There are five main purposes of the ICA:

  1. Identify a Person’s Individual Support Requirements
  2. Provide Input for Resource Allocation to a Person Receiving Services
  3. Alert APD Staff to Risks of Harm to the Person
  4. Assess a Person’s Level of Social Integration
  5. Provide Aggregate Data for Statewide Analytics

The ICA was found to have face and content validity during the initial study that was conducted.  Another validation study is being conducted in 2022 to make sure the ICA is performing consistently within each section and examine how well the items in the assessment measure what they should.