00;00;00;00 - 00;01;03;19 Unknown Good to see you. Yeah, yeah. So good afternoon. today is August 2nd, 2023. Third time is 2:32 p.m.. My name is Kent Carroll and I am the senior Management analyst with the agency for persons with disabilties. And I will be moderating today's workgroup. we are convening this interagency work group established by chapter 273 Dash 23 with Florida. The goal to increase, create a continuum of guidance and information for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, which includes your guidance information across the lifespan, such as unusual occupation, workforce pay, living skills and supportive services for greater independence. 00;01;03;21 - 00;01;37;11 Unknown and this work group meeting is being recorded. So wherever you're sitting, the mic should pick you up. If you talk loud. we're convening this workgroup, at the Florida Department of Children and Families. Address is 2415 North Monroe Street, suite one, C 100. How to say that for recording purposes. And a notice of this workgroup, meeting was published on July 25th, 2023. 00;01;37;14 - 00;02;11;10 Unknown And volume 49, issue number 143, in the Floor Administrative Register and posted on APD website. we have an agenda for today's meeting. packet information and along with the agenda has been disseminated to everyone. if you don't have a packet, just raise your hand and we'll get one to you for. before we get started. I want to introduce, Representative Allison Tant, who's here with us today. 00;02;11;12 - 00;02;35;16 Unknown She was instrumental in beginning with what has made this possible. representative, you would like to say something I like to say is, first of all, I love working with you all. if you like, we have a really strong working relationship, and my son is now 25 years old. The one that, kind of gave birth to all the work that I did. 00;02;35;18 - 00;02;59;08 Unknown and his life was transformed. The trajectory of his life was transformed by not just the. It was a transition program and VR, along with the AP job coaching that helped him find his way. He's got a job now that he's been in for two years. He works every day. it's not a full time job. He works three hours a day, five days a week. 00;02;59;08 - 00;03;24;12 Unknown And it's literally key to his, He took two of his high school, old high school buddies out to lunch today on his dime. And so, so that was, something that, would not have something, something much less to work and to be as independent. Just had it not been for the partnership. And I want every family to have the partnership. 00;03;24;15 - 00;03;38;09 Unknown that's I wanted to build here. Christy. So I was just bragging on the school's transition. Thank you, Mr.. 00;03;38;11 - 00;04;02;25 Unknown Burns. It's good to hear those, success stories. And, we thank you for your efforts and I'm sure one thing that Jeremy did tell me that I have shared with a couple of you is that at some point during that transition program, he told his teacher it was the first time he ever felt smart, because it was the first time he ever felt that he understood the mission and could complete it as well. 00;04;02;26 - 00;04;34;04 Unknown I think of so much. I mean, it never occurred to me as a mom that he never felt that way, but for him to say that to her, he felt like it was he could complete the tasks after him and that the central campus at that time was my. And I'm only now at this time I would like for each group member to introduce yourself, state your name where you work for your school and my work. 00;04;34;08 - 00;04;56;22 Unknown I'm I'm like, I'm Jay Johnson, the I'm the Association of Centers for Independent Living. And I do want to say that today, just like an hour ago, we had a call to DCF, the Hope Florida Partners security program. They have acknowledged it produces aging as foster care for the disabilities. They are feeling quite a bit more, but they want to make this something special school. 00;04;56;24 - 00;05;21;29 Unknown So they really want to partner with the center for Independent Living instead of Independent living of federally funded nonprofit organizations that serve consumers of all ages and all disabilities. They serve all 67 counties. We receive our funding through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. And so our one of the core missions of center for Independent Living is to help everyone achieve independence and their employment and economic goals and personal goals. 00;05;21;29 - 00;05;41;10 Unknown So we're really excited about this partnership with DCF because having worked in the child welfare system, also, I know that it is a big gap. There's two independent living programs in the state. One is DCF and one is the federal one. And but they've never really gotten married before. So we're really excited to getting married. Yes, you should know that, Jane, is that I worked with Jane. 00;05;41;11 - 00;06;09;09 Unknown She's on the Children's Society executive director position. And Jeremy was an early intervention baby from birth to three. He received intensive services through. And then, Jane has just been instrumental. She was also the guardian of a young man who went through all of this recently passed away. So Jane, has been known in numerous, resources and ideas and life experience to bring. 00;06;09;11 - 00;06;50;11 Unknown Thank you. I'm excited to put stuff here. I have clear I'm Donna Phillips, I'm the director of project ten transition education network. Yeah. You, it's it's an awesome thing to do, actually, and love it. and so I, I presume that we're here to help share expertise to find ages 12 to 22 and, you know, share what we do and work with you all to, brainstorm and, be creative about how we can support this continuum of services from male to young. 00;06;50;13 - 00;07;25;09 Unknown Well, that's the that's the reasons that a lot of times parents don't know what the next step. And part of the reason is, yeah, yeah. And afternoon, everyone. I am Janice Sebring's Blackmore from the Village center for students with unique abilities is here. We are still a copy center with a primary focus of having postsecondary, inclusive post-secondary education for students with intellectual is the seven scariest, but it's the place that people will continue to for a moment. 00;07;25;12 - 00;07;56;17 Unknown And so we work with institutions across the state as technical colleges, state colleges and universities to establish an inclusive post-secondary program. A part of this is called With infestation. Those programs can see grants for implementation. So first and foremost, it must become a food program. So it must apply and inclusive post-secondary program with their club scholarships, their students don't compete for that. 00;07;56;17 - 00;08;30;13 Unknown If they're going to a program across the state and they automatically are eligible for scholarships up to $15,000 as of July 1st, up to $15,000 per year. Voice on the steering. Where. So right now we have 22 programs out all the eligible students. Excuse me. That sounds like Secretary Johnson all of this time talking. I don't mention students. 00;08;30;15 - 00;09;12;12 Unknown I'm also a for year grant person weeks. I am excited to have you on our team. So. We have two programs. These are possible actions. And this CC. And so you can get them. hi, I'm Dusty Stars. I'm the bureau chief for early Stem standards for training. so we provide early intervention services to children and, we do that for up to 15 I early sansome. 00;09;12;14 - 00;09;28;05 Unknown This year, two years provide services for their families. No one is ready play and, yeah. I'm I, I don't know I it seems like. 00;09;28;08 - 00;10;00;27 Unknown Know it's to meet you right. I always get something I should get it on through the our parent my job. Yeah. Okay. Good afternoon everyone from the director of the Division of occupational Rehabilitation and Department of Education. I'm so pleased to be here representing the division in the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, or VR, as we call it, is a federal and state program that helps individuals with disabilities to come forward. 00;10;00;29 - 00;10;29;17 Unknown we also partner with the centers for Independent Living in any place no less than the information to share. But but the exciting thing, I think, for purposes of this group is our, is our focus since 2014, when you transition and helping them to make that transition, whether that's to post-secondary education environments or have, pregnancy programs happening. 00;10;29;17 - 00;11;00;14 Unknown So, we're excited to, to work with all of you. I know I've worked with many of you here, and I see some some faces. I haven't gotten to me yet as well, so I'm looking forward to it very much. Thanks. I am Marina Clark. I am the grains and special mission supervisor at the Florida Commerce and Home with, for Unique Abilities program, which was established to recognize businesses that, employ individuals with disabilities. 00;11;00;16 - 00;11;20;08 Unknown Hi, everyone. Campaign to reach office from a program analyst. Really excited to be here and hear from all of our workforce partners. kind of mimics the weekly meetings that we have. So a lot of familiar faces in this room. So thanks for the opportunity to be here in this minute. I'm Jason Mickelson, assistant secretary for economic self-sufficiency here at DCA. 00;11;20;10 - 00;11;45;05 Unknown And, our big thing is Medicaid eligibility and also Snap program. I know that there's been discussion about the many programs on their own where you transition from family receiving benefits to individuals receiving benefits or both. And how does that all work? To make sure that we work every year. Good afternoon, I'm Sarah Bib and I am the deputy assistant secretary for economic self-sufficiency programs. 00;11;45;07 - 00;12;10;10 Unknown I see a few familiar faces. I recognize some names. I'm sure we've crossed paths in the last few years. some just haven't been part of the workforce. I think you. Thank you. I'm Christy Ward on the project manager for all things transition for Leon County schools, and I apologize, parents and teachers, first day back. so we've been in meetings and and all the things. 00;12;10;10 - 00;12;40;07 Unknown So, my, my job just continues to grow. we're super excited about me having this opportunity to be able to partner with, people that together, we can make a difference. so I do appreciate the opportunity can be made. My assistant deputy secretary, for Medicaid policy and quality at the agency for Health Care Administration. It's a mouthful. 00;12;40;09 - 00;13;08;29 Unknown really excited to be here. I can become an agency designee for a lot of these, kind of work groups, and which is a great fit because I actually have a dog in the side, so to speak. and I can probably remember. So I have a 26 year old son who's on the spectrum, recently applied, submitted his application to APD and to rehab. 00;13;09;02 - 00;13;39;04 Unknown I'm trying to get him. He's living independently, so. But he needs a job, right? And we need that last little piece to just help him get that measure. Independence and independence and, and, and so, I'm looking forward to not only the, the work that I get to do with all representing the agency, but also just to, to to really direct impact, take direct impact on my. 00;13;39;06 - 00;14;10;06 Unknown Generic, chief of staff for APD. so thank you, Representative Tant, for bringing us all together here today. We're very excited to to get this work group underway. Yeah. having my and also an ab, really excited that everybody is here. I think a really special day for all the people around this table is if you guys have day jobs, that there's a lot of things outside of what you do day to day and previous experience that you had, I think we really had the honor of working with Tara before because I know she has an extensive homelessness background. 00;14;10;11 - 00;14;27;25 Unknown And so I think like the different pieces of yes, that's what I'm seeing in front of you, but what are all the other experiences I know will be really important? because of teachers. and so I think that they would share with me just in general position of my stance. And, and that includes that you may or may not see, depending on your circumstances. 00;14;27;26 - 00;14;45;18 Unknown And how do we try to smooth those out as you be very important. And so I think, yes, professional work. but also the personal background is equally as important as we talk about our, our own experiences. And that's I'm really excited to be here. So, arena Culture deputy Director of Operations Safety I'm also absolutely thrilled about this work group. 00;14;45;19 - 00;15;11;04 Unknown For all the things they've mentioned. And then also, aside from all the great work we're going to do, these connections, go on and appreciate the, thank you to all the work and this yourself. But we have a, the thank you for coming here. Coming. The teens call me. You know, I think we have someone. Oh, yeah. 00;15;11;07 - 00;15;44;24 Unknown I want so. Yeah. So I'm Lisa Ramos. I'm the chief of consumer Reports with APD. Thank you. And we have two more APD folks back here. Yes. We're helping. We're APD staff. I'm Opal Ringo. I'm training and research consultant for supported living supported employment, ADT and I'm John Milton with communications at APD. if you are not a member of the one group and you're here representing another agency organization, if you would like to introduce yourself at this time. 00;15;44;26 - 00;16;05;21 Unknown I feel like I'm the new director of, for services at Disability Rights Board. I've been there a while, but this is a new role for me. and we're excited to follow along and see if we can. Your business. And you've got a broader. Yes, a brother and his wife. But, I was in the same hope that you have jobs. 00;16;05;23 - 00;16;14;00 Unknown and so I really appreciate this effort. And I know it's really important. 00;16;14;02 - 00;16;20;01 Unknown For us, and to my. 00;16;20;03 - 00;16;30;22 Unknown Job. You want to continue? Well, let's look at first work with agency for person facilities. 00;16;30;24 - 00;17;10;00 Unknown Nobody else. All right. what are we going to do now? Arena is going to look at the statutory charge of this legislation to kind of talk about all the goals that we hope to achieve. So. So, as I said before, I'm super excited to be here. And as a solutions to make a difference for people in the state and just how some of the problems we can get and how loosely this is tied to your packet, you want to follow along. 00;17;10;02 - 00;17;58;22 Unknown Just to talk a little bit about the agency for people with disabilities. So we are working in partnership with local organizations because we want to support people in living, working and working in the community so they can reach their full potential. and I think all of us are doing that in this room to, so we can be we serve individuals with developmental disabilities and the developmental disabilities that we serve on, identify statutes and they're almost like they're people with severe forms of autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, intellectual disability, family German syndrome in general, in spite of it. 00;17;58;24 - 00;18;26;10 Unknown But I want to say, even though our agency, serves this population, we are focusing with helping anyone with unique abilities. And I think that, all the organizations touch on the lives of many people in this state. And so we want to we want to help as many people as possible. So, we serve about 35,000 individuals through a medicaid program called the I budget Waiver. 00;18;26;10 - 00;18;58;13 Unknown APD there we have an additional 23,000 individuals, and they are in what's called a free enrollment category. And so they are they are waiting for future services. and I think that this group will certainly help them. And a lot of the individuals in our agency is creating low risk categories, you know, being served by your agencies or potentially could be served by your agency. 00;18;58;15 - 00;19;30;02 Unknown and there's things that this group will do to help them. So we wanted to share about that. House Bill 1517. it was a it was a big deal for our agency did a lot of things for us. one thing we did was it kind of demystified some of the processes we had. a lot of times when people hear about the agency for persons with disabilities and we hear something called waiting list, but really we have people that are in pre enrollment for future services. 00;19;30;02 - 00;20;01;14 Unknown And a lot of these individuals are getting services in your agency. They're getting services from the community from their families. There's other resources. And so we we demystify the process a little bit. This legislation we also are implementing a process to license an adult, a training facility. and so that'll give a little bit that would be a way for our agency to really elevate the providers and are already doing a great job in Florida. 00;20;01;16 - 00;20;32;12 Unknown And then, you know, put some and some guardrails, some ones that they need to, to work to work a little better to support the people we serve. we're trying to streamline processes with this legislation. And most importantly for today, we have this interagency work group in the legislation. so as we were saying this, this work, we want to create a continuum of, to help people with disabilities across their lifespans. 00;20;32;14 - 00;20;56;15 Unknown So when you guys are talking, people are talking about serving people at different ages and stages. And I think as we look at what each other is doing, it's important to think about that because, you know, things don't stop when our program ages. And so we have to figure out how to, address that and lifespan for individuals and keep things as smooth as possible. 00;20;56;17 - 00;21;15;28 Unknown and I've heard Catherine say, so we'll credit her with government. Should be the hardest thing to do in, in. So when you are a person with unique ability in company to access things from all these different government agencies and possibly going back and forth, I know we are a lot of our clients are literally ping pong back and forth. 00;21;15;28 - 00;21;38;11 Unknown Maybe we can think of some ways to to help with that through this work period. Recommendations. so we've already talked about who did some of the work for that. Thank you for being so thoughtful, representative. Talking about the members. Thank you. I think you, I just really went by like, oh, I see that Jeremy. 00;21;38;13 - 00;22;02;20 Unknown Got really good. And then the other piece this is, is stakeholders, because it's one we hear from families and their personal stories. That's when we can learn what's really happening with our programs. so if you look at kind of the last slide in the PowerPoint, it's, page four, this kind of map to what we're going to be doing. 00;22;02;23 - 00;22;22;20 Unknown So anytime you understand this, you want to start with the current state. So you have to look at where we are now. And I think we started with that. You know, we're talking about what we're doing here. And then you got to try to see is going to be is, is what are its tools that deserve to thrive. 00;22;22;20 - 00;22;49;12 Unknown And so we'll see more. So I mean so some it maybe loops and then between that yeah. Oh there it is. Solutions. And then so you can't move any things. And then all along the way as I've said the stakeholder. Yep. have they I see that. So I a wanted to Disney don't even of this. I'm going with this group. 00;22;49;14 - 00;23;12;07 Unknown okay. That's kind of how I would say this is a part of this too. I mean, there's so many of you here that we're not, frankly, recruiting and so because one of the things that we do that I'm very into favor and fills out. Thank you for your work group. So, we're going to always kind of worsen the next year. 00;23;12;10 - 00;23;27;11 Unknown so you can kind thank you guys for those report outs because we know that your input is extremely valuable. and we want to you to inform the process of, of the intentions of this work group. And so just because you may not be listed here, we really want to be able to have that space for you guys to get to be back. 00;23;27;14 - 00;23;55;04 Unknown so that would be something and not just going to tell the agenda, but we'll be able to work group members. one of the other things that's in this package everyone's heard of that we've identified as benefits and ways to identify, you know, currently what you're offering to the agencies and services that are provided. So I think that will offer some of our, next steps for the agenda is just going to be meetings of individuals who can help and maybe not be listed here. 00;23;55;06 - 00;24;16;15 Unknown The point? Well, I'm thinking about you, Christy. I think it would be helpful for our to see that this is so. My first session I passed bill has been 173 that for the transition age issue and basically all the information that parents are supposed to give. And so I think that what you provide might be helpful for them yet. 00;24;16;18 - 00;24;43;23 Unknown So I don't I don't get that tonight because I think it's a really good listing of stuff I've been sending me. And I just. Yeah. What do you understand and where are we going to have a shared space that we'll be able to collaborate? Okay. if it doesn't. So that's that's why these are entities that Jeremy was so loved by his school, they didn't want to leave. 00;24;43;23 - 00;25;07;00 Unknown They wanted to get a track position. And I also, even I was very involved here. I had no idea the transition had been for years. I thought it was too. So this is a lot I. Yeah. So and then the center for Unique Ability. So then I like I started working on the new connections program before there was know I because I knew that I wanted to have option after school. 00;25;07;00 - 00;25;26;29 Unknown So it just was just like I they they really did want me to go. And I have to say, you have a duty to tell people about transition pretty much what you got. So yeah, that is something that was in that bill for a reason, because I loved his experience of why I was great, that he had to grow up so. 00;25;27;02 - 00;25;57;20 Unknown Got to be great. I mean, you got to do it. Your mom. Projects and help me develop. Yes. So that's good. I'm glad to hear that. Well, positive was how I got started. worked with the TCC as you came in furniture for that whole. So about that and and team that I was a lot more than that as well. 00;25;57;22 - 00;26;34;01 Unknown And I think one of the things that I want to highlight in the legislation was that we was creating information that helps people navigate these. So, you know, this is the transition agent, right? Maybe somebody at the table doesn't. My family's my mom's family. Bill actually, on how we're going to get the information out. And the only one things I would suggest is that myself, like when you're the birth of a child, there's an issue you don't even know where to start. 00;26;34;03 - 00;27;00;20 Unknown Like something is, I can and I get it that like, I could only like when Jeremy was five months old, I had somebody come visit me in the hospital. Like, not today. Just to baby, I had a hard pregnancy. Let's talk about later. Because I did need analysis because it's low birth weight, not because of the disability. And then when it was time for me to, I, another parent, had to tell me a call to get an assessment and not knowing where to start. 00;27;00;20 - 00;27;19;18 Unknown And from. Yeah, all of a sudden it was 310 years and I thought I was. Yeah. And so I said, let's go to authorize and referral. At the time I was like, I will not do what he told me to do that. And, and I don't know if every parent has a program like that. And then it was kindergarten and then I was, you know, we were denied services in pre-K. 00;27;19;18 - 00;27;43;05 Unknown We had to deal with two year old all that. And then it was, that offered to so parents understanding some of the change. And then you mentioned, I had a question. So in Leon County, things in the questions, we have an adult day program that is a VR funded adult program for kids. You two aged out of school, 20. 00;27;43;07 - 00;28;09;19 Unknown 23 years old, 22 think our oldest is seven. And we are pretty much at capacity because nobody ever graduates from us. I can never really add anybody to that. And then but then if you're ever a time where VR and APD can work together on funding those kinds of things because, you know, and family on county schools is a terrific partner. 00;28;09;22 - 00;28;29;09 Unknown but like, how do we how do we do that? So, that we can serve more people? that's a question because we I think we're one I think I did a survey, this of the number of these programs in the state, there's 22 of my 11 of them are affiliated with schools, and 11 of them are nonprofits. 00;28;29;11 - 00;29;10;00 Unknown And these are VR programs. And, ours. There was a time when just about every county had one of these programs. And at some point we got rid of them because there was, frankly, a lack of deliverables on some of that. And I do think there ought to be credentials that are taught or people learn soft skills. They can work with customer service, they can work, maybe in the back of a hotel or hospitality or some place where or maybe even in the front, but they get set and just have a, you know, work on those soft skills that the CEO has, requires, requires now and that can be funded maybe three of ten 00;29;10;00 - 00;29;39;09 Unknown years for students with unique building programs in the Richland program and that so there's I'm just wondering how we partnered together and said silo off the things that we do so that we can help more people, get these job training opportunities. And, and if it's not necessarily the right place, these are not necessarily, programs for people who are, you know, VR should not be funding a program for the work. 00;29;39;12 - 00;30;04;03 Unknown Just say. And so, and I think that the, certainly we do need, the training programs are places where people are going to need more intensive care, but I think that there's gonna be a continual demand or there should be, like, options on the table so that a parent whose child can do X is doing the and he wants as you kids, he's got a kid to do why they're doing that. 00;30;04;03 - 00;30;32;28 Unknown And then for the parents who need more intensive or maybe medically fragile kids or whatever, and then there's another option that takes care of them. So that is so we're not like putting everybody together, not having multiple options on the table is what I'm thinking about. So I'm I'm talking completely out of my head here. But I know that we have a day training program, largely as largely in New York County schools, and we're at capacity every year because there's not, an exit strategy to go to work from it. 00;30;32;28 - 00;31;01;23 Unknown And I think they frankly, we should and I hope I'm not going to make anybody mad. And and I agree, we've got we've got, we've got really good people working there who need to be able to get in front of more people to help them go to the next step in their lives. And we had started and because the, Adult Learning Lab is separate from K-12, I don't have, say over it, but I do put my input in whether they want it or not. 00;31;01;24 - 00;31;30;11 Unknown So we have started revamping the program and matching it to the deliverables that folks have is asking for. And there are massive changes. And I would in the field, the growth of those massive changes have on August 10th. Okay. All right. But you know, I can't we can't find a grant and say that we're doing something and do something totally opposite. 00;31;30;12 - 00;32;08;05 Unknown So so we are making changes they say. And I take it there are a desire for everyone to see that an accelerated funded program or any any partnerships. So I think that they do have a lot of partnerships with county government and private fundraising. also, I love that you brought up. The ability to move through these programs and, and can we so much sit in at the federal level with Medicaid? 00;32;08;10 - 00;32;38;22 Unknown They, they charge states for doing more to help people transition out of the adult day programs into employment. And so we we have traditional adult training now through our public taking programs. I'm very interested in complex medical and the school buildings. Maybe they go, for therapeutic medication and they're in homes that actually in the community right now, we have a free vocational service. 00;32;38;24 - 00;33;10;03 Unknown and so individuals can learn soft skills. very. yeah. So vocational service, we call it life skill development for, for individuals kind of learning, job tasks, non job specific skills that anyone in any particular job would have to learn. Right. I'll come talk to you about like taking a shower today but not my kids. 00;33;10;03 - 00;33;46;26 Unknown I'm making a tattoo so I those. Yeah right. And the only, the goal is to prepare these individuals, so that they can be ready for specific job training through VR. And we'll be careful not to duplicate resources for those two agencies. but from that new service is starting to roll out providers, which I think I should say, you've been working very, very hard to provide this equipment that, the end goal is to help individuals become competitive. 00;33;46;28 - 00;34;24;24 Unknown Right. Healthy is eligible to apply for any services, any any person who's on the waiver, currently on the waiver, who is at least 22 years old. Okay. And they must have a job. Go home, go purchase and call support. Right. So we're we're we're excited about this new service, the new is the official. So if any of that you have the ability to start in these transition years. 00;34;24;24 - 00;35;09;02 Unknown For that it's all about transitioning to and and work. So you're saying start earlier when you're 14 or well like that. So the 18 to 22 year old age group and on that. So I do like the bill that passed from my 73 starts talking about transition and jobs at 12. And then with the help starting implementation at the high school level as 18 to 14 and then leading into transition, I will tell you that that that staffer 16, even though these programs here tell me that the students who have gone through our transition program are much better prepared to learn once they get to the TCC equals connections as well, because they've had that 00;35;09;05 - 00;35;30;27 Unknown teaching of like time management and you know, how to show up clock and how to do all the things that they have created. A how to shake hands, how to interview things like that. So I'm just wondering if there's any course has covered by K12 that may as well like, see if we can't dovetail to the extent possible because as we all know, I've seen it myself. 00;35;30;27 - 00;36;07;18 Unknown My kid needs repetition, repetition, repetition. Well, that and just listening to all the members and all participants here. there is not a whole line in my mind of of resources, but what this legislation tends to do, you can tell it students, create a continuum of guidance and information because we see so many folks, they are eligible for this to work for that there's no need for school guidance when they. 00;36;07;20 - 00;36;37;28 Unknown Are you and I just I it's really down. This is two pieces of the table together and one That's awesome. Well, hopefully with this work will create more of a continuum, guidance and information so that individuals will fall through the gaps in the course. They need to know this resource. And this program existed for. And that's why I'm very excited about moving to very here. 00;36;38;04 - 00;37;09;29 Unknown Can I just like because I can Loretta knows I've been around this block for a while and the continue like this. But what I have seen over the years is that the players change constantly. Both the people providing the services and the counseling, as well as the agencies delivering the services and funders. And, you know, as I'm listening to you, well, one of the core services that centers in the building have provider independent living skills training, which is everything you just said about how to show up for work with him, how to brush your hair, how to how to dress, how to navigate the bus system, all of those things and those services are 00;37;09;29 - 00;37;47;03 Unknown free. They've always been adjunct to the more formal services and that the agencies pay for, because still services are free, because you receive federal government's paying them a lease, whatever. So but to me, the continuum is robust. I totally agree with you. But we and I mean it's been used many times before. We have no no wrong door for parents and consumers so that when you go through the front door, it doesn't matter which agency you need the services for, you can get there without having to oh, you need to go over here because it relies on the caretakers at the door to know all those agencies, and because there's so much turnover there, you 00;37;47;03 - 00;38;03;06 Unknown never have that institutional knowledge that lasts. And soon, you know, you know what we've been lacking this year? We had this was you left no end of that. So, right. I think what if you can can can in that the edges of the net whether like to bar over what they've done to K through 12, whether you like it or not. 00;38;03;06 - 00;38;26;10 Unknown But the idea of like a voucher like if you had on multiple multiple agencies funding with a scholarship, these are big and you have a voucher and depending on which what your eligibility criteria are, you could tap into that, but you wouldn't. So diagnostic, you wouldn't have to say I'm APD so I have to go over here. No, you can go over here because the needs are common, but the funding sources are not. 00;38;26;10 - 00;38;47;21 Unknown And each funding source has its own eligibility system. So if we could you said talked about don't make government the hardest thing we do take the government like lines of demarcation out from parents because like you you you're learning as you go and every week you're learning something new and then all that knowledge stays with you. And then the next person parent comes along and they it's climb the same hill. 00;38;47;21 - 00;39;13;17 Unknown But if we get rid of the hills and just open the door and just, you know, here's here's my thing and this tells you what I'm eligible for it. And so if every agency puts $10 million in for these services and we could continue to build against the Prime Minister or, I mean, like in some parts of the stadium, robust providers right here selling what, two day training programs. 00;39;13;19 - 00;39;38;27 Unknown But if those individual providers got more referrals, they'd be more viable and more, you know, I think it would also I know, I just think that if we can lower the system for entry for parents enough because that, that, that that subject matter expertise is so valuable. But if it's a moving target because it's changes that come and go, we all, I mean, everywhere around the state, we're probably coming from somewhere in the past five years. 00;39;38;29 - 00;40;00;26 Unknown But anyway, it's just good not to do. You know what it's like. You don't have to sit in front of anything does I mean, I was in APD, I didn't know where to sit. I mean, I kind of knew that. So I just think that there's it's so complex. And so, I just that would be like, take away anything for this is the silos, get all the silos to get to like what the voucher was like. 00;40;00;27 - 00;40;22;09 Unknown And I said, you didn't. It doesn't matter which silo is funding what your your child needs or what you need as an individual. You just you you the eligibility criteria. But it is it is I mean the profit. The thing is department and has very specific mission. You know, the GED has a specific set of like abilities are specific mission. 00;40;22;11 - 00;40;41;23 Unknown So I mean, it isn't it is I can like but yeah, I mean, I guess if you have translators who like, you can take the downtown today. Yeah. Let's take a look at what you guys okay. You've on this so we can tap into this or that. Yeah. That way because I don't know, it just seems like we've been talking about this because it's. 00;40;41;27 - 00;41;09;15 Unknown And it's not the state's all these the all of you bill just comes out of a bunch of different federal agencies in all grants have specific before you different. They you can crack the code and we. Just based on their eligibility because of disability. I think. And then it would be institutionalized would be person dependent for it. I just wanted to add the fact to what you have in here. 00;41;09;22 - 00;41;35;05 Unknown I think it has to start with that gap analysis, because that voucher is gonna work unless there's access to those programs, you know, equally distributed across the state. And and I know that those gaps, I mean, just from my little piece of the time, I know that there are gaps in places where some things are not available, and in other places they're built in abundance. 00;41;35;07 - 00;42;00;19 Unknown And, you know, and so it's really hard because, you know, you have your list of things that you can tell families to do, but then they're like, oh, well, there's not only did you do this in a 50 mile radius of me, you know, and so it does become hard. So I was really glad to see your gap analysis being included there, because I think that's a really good starting place. 00;42;00;19 - 00;42;20;12 Unknown And then we can use solutions like the one year just out year would also collect data on where those gaps are, which we know. So we could say, well, we've had this neighbor come, come through. We couldn't serve these people because there were no services. Well, that's that's not that info, right? I mean, you have to have a good provider show up. 00;42;20;19 - 00;42;46;27 Unknown And that's the other thing. It's like, you know, there are providers who are trying to necessarily, you know, so that's that's kind of broken through a little bit. pressing for time here. so far it was very bad. So let's talk about how we're going to move forward. this work group, is tasked with providing two reports. 00;42;47;00 - 00;43;03;04 Unknown An interim report is to November 1st and 23 final. Now, I brought that is because I. 00;43;03;06 - 00;43;29;17 Unknown and a final report is due on September 1st. The next year, and that final report will include findings and recommendations. and as you know, this report will go to the governance, Senate president, the speaker of the House, the members of this group, we're asking you to do 3 or 4 things, actively participate in meetings. 00;43;29;20 - 00;44;01;03 Unknown You can come in designee, provide information on the organization, how you send and gather information, which is going to be a key part of what we need to analyze. communicate your your organization's processes. That's going to be a key. You know, again, help us to identify current gaps, and help us all come together and have a meeting of the minds to make recommendations for inclusion. 00;44;01;05 - 00;44;29;25 Unknown So I don't think anyone here will commit to that yet. We want to make sure, because we're going to do all of this to make this a success report. Okay. in your packet, you should have a list of key milestones that was the reason that after the fact, I haven't seen it. Yes. Okay. But I'm just going to briefly talk about just just a few of these milestones. 00;44;29;28 - 00;45;00;05 Unknown we're going to be gathering information well, through meetings like this or through other means, and we're going to talk about how you can share how we will be able to share information between the various groups. we're going to be doing that starting today until and these are these days, but sometime around the end of July of next year, we hope to have all the information that we need from everybody. 00;45;00;08 - 00;45;29;27 Unknown and, you know, that's not yet on, our next meeting, tentative. Tentative meeting. September 13th. Yeah. And that will change a little bit. What? You know, we're going to be meeting, and that in that particular meeting, we want to analyze the input to live up to this point, up to that point, right. 00;45;30;00 - 00;45;50;12 Unknown So come prepare. And that second meeting, to analyze the information that we have gathered from everyone and what was kept in mind if I can just hop in? That's kind of the template for what this is that we were trying to get, some types of information from everybody, so we could say, what's the service that you're currently offering? 00;45;50;12 - 00;46;11;27 Unknown What's a eligibility information? Super important if you have, specific eligibility drivers. and I think too, as a part of that, if there are gaps that need I mean, we want to make sure or address beneficiary workspace for people to input that information. And so that's kind of the why that of that next meeting is given this time as a report. 00;46;12;00 - 00;46;31;00 Unknown as you there will be some free work as a part of that so that we can kind of have preliminary conversations about what will be interim or that's something that any meeting is seeking, but make sure that we get input from all the workgroup members. so just wanted to give you guys of this kind of, template, and this is not something that you feel like is fits with what your service offerings are. 00;46;31;00 - 00;46;56;25 Unknown That's fine. This is just kind of, we're hoping to get some. It's helpful to see something on diversity and how to try to fill in the spirit, but I just wanted to add that in to thank you, Council. As I said earlier, that interim report is to. And we want to have, the final draft of that to our agency director doctor transition so that she can take a look at it. 00;46;56;27 - 00;47;20;25 Unknown And if there's any changes to me, we'll do that, make those changes in time for online. the question is, what do you I guess, certainly. And for this part, you have to like what is stakeholders like the arc of Florida, as you can see here. So we yeah, we called it, okay. So we want to start setting those up. 00;47;20;25 - 00;47;34;09 Unknown And I think we want to have them over the life cycle of the motor for sure. And so and thanks also as I, we reached out, I think arc for Florida is actually listening to it. So I want to make sure we're going to have that when you want to make sure there's opportunities to schedule this meeting. 00;47;34;09 - 00;47;54;06 Unknown So our hope is 1st August to send those kind of input, and the paper and say all those details to that cafe as well. Okay. Yeah, absolutely. And we, roller in partnership with you, of course, make sure that you have visibility into those, but want to schedule them. so that's one we want you guys to do that. 00;47;54;07 - 00;48;18;00 Unknown Yeah. This isn't about me getting these people served. So, I don't want them to get. You want me? and so we want to schedule those, you know, over the course of probably the next year or so. I would, you know, and if there are a worker members, two other people in your areas of influence that you can ask that you think would would benefit from this piece, you know, do you have your chance? 00;48;18;00 - 00;48;48;24 Unknown We can ensure that we organize it. We want this to be an inclusive, feedback process. we want to have at least five meetings, including this one that may change depending on how we how we move forward. but, this is a very ambitious schedule we have here. we're going to have to engage with it to get this going as accomplished. 00;48;48;27 - 00;49;12;09 Unknown we have a mechanism through which every team member here can share information. Please, when you want to talk about that, I'm sure our IT department went ahead and created a, SharePoint site where, the way they described it to us is they will allow us to share certain documents with each of the participants in this group. 00;49;12;12 - 00;49;47;25 Unknown So, you will receive an email giving you a link to a document or, a section of the SharePoint site, that you'll have access to where you can input your, feedback. And so as we assign things out and as we, request your feedback, we will, you know, let you know an email, tell you, here's where you can go enter your information and it is done by a certain age that's got a question. 00;49;47;29 - 00;50;30;02 Unknown Can they make live edits to do I understand. Yes. So that's a way that where, if a document is shared with a, with multiple individuals, multiple people can be in the document at the same time and make edits. I hope I'm not lying, but that's that's my understanding. We'll know for sure. Yeah. Thank you. Just make sure, right now we just want to have, maybe open discussion if someone would like to just share something that you have shared with us before, where some. 00;50;30;04 - 00;51;02;10 Unknown On a great vacation or something of that sort. I just want to say that I'm very thankful for Mr. Foley. I'm actually helping. currently, we have two families that are going to appeals for APD next week. yes. Next week. so I am having a very, very tough time navigating the system, and I have two graduate degrees. 00;51;02;13 - 00;51;32;12 Unknown so I completely understand the frustration that Jane has shared from families. And, you know, JP has been on with me. I've talked with and and just trying to understand a ways of work and just I appreciate that because, you know, my families are told denied and they stop and we are being told, Christy and I'm gonna stand up. 00;51;32;12 - 00;52;03;15 Unknown You don't stand up. Aren't you doing anything? And I'm not, we got some a happy meeting somewhere in between to where our students, are eligible for services. We take care of them while they're with us through 22, and then we we can pass them on. So I really, truly appreciate this. This opportunity. But one of the things that, you know, that we have to make sure everybody understands is that just because you apply does not mean you're correct. 00;52;03;15 - 00;52;28;23 Unknown And that's why that's helping to manage expectations. That's hard because, you know, obviously that is like in the legislation that, you know, I ask that you put it on the whole roadmap. And I think we put in the statute that was just because you apply these services are available. We should apply that. There is no guarantee. Right. that being approved because everybody's got their own approval mechanisms. 00;52;28;23 - 00;52;55;17 Unknown When you are on them, you are in the hot seat. And I know you're not the only one in the hot seat that gets the backlash of parents when you're unhappy that they got. And so I'm either helping to manage expectations or are. And I would also add, just in terms of we talked a lot about creating access, like who are we creating access to for because I think we have several different populations. 00;52;55;20 - 00;53;15;09 Unknown so we have the resources we have, you know, kids who are growing up, right, that we want to help them as they're as they're going along in their journey and the different resources, they're going to top different agencies along the way, how do we help them? I think in other places, just like parents. you know, I've got a master's. 00;53;15;11 - 00;53;45;11 Unknown I got applied with a degree in special education. and so we know this stuff and navigating this stuff is crazy. Stupid. Say, but you can't figure anything out unless you have a friend. Who's that? and and I think that's a that's, you know, we talked about roadblocks when the roadblock of a parent, like, I don't even know what's, who to call, right? 00;53;45;15 - 00;54;11;02 Unknown I don't know where to look. I don't know what to do. Like, that's what that if, like, if we want to really help. I think that's those are questions that we have to find solutions to those stories. I mean, I try and I try to go on the website and like I'm thinking I'm like, now I am technology disabled, but yeah, I'm terrible. 00;54;11;07 - 00;54;33;05 Unknown And I'm like, I'm putting it. I'm talking like a day trip or five months or whatever, whatever. And and when you say, look, the menu of service Civil War stuff comes up from out of state like Chicago or Phenix or whatever. And I'm like, okay, got here, please not military. Get on a plane, get someplace, get, be like serious with this is like, I see that and I'm like, I'm I'm not. 00;54;33;05 - 00;55;05;11 Unknown If I'm struggling with it, it's got to be a lot harder for somebody with disabilities to me, it's like having to figure that out. And there are a lot of, savvy parents out there, like when it comes to technology. Yeah. So let's I just. I got a phone call that Catherine Trent. I'm in New York, so anything I can do to help you all, I'm going to send you back here. 00;55;05;13 - 00;55;45;14 Unknown All right? See you later. Okay, so it's just from the vocational rehabilitation perspective, a handful of, I think the pre employment transition services that provide, you know, we provide in concert with a number of you here are a real, value that we can provide for this conversation. and then I think that transition, once those kids get through that age to your point, that we can also, you know, I've heard some colleagues in other states that they should either come out of that with a job, with a plan for for post-secondary, or they should be a VR customer looking to to be employed. 00;55;45;14 - 00;56;06;07 Unknown And I agree with that approach. And we have too many who who fall through that gap. So I think that's that's a big one that we've identified. on a positive note, we have a memorandum of agreement with APD and August that we entered into a couple of years ago, under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. And we've had some good results from that. 00;56;06;07 - 00;56;25;17 Unknown I have a data report here that kind of shows some of our collaborative efforts and the actual numbers of referrals back and forth and that sort of thing. But but as with many of them, as I look at it, we see people who, you know, the number of referred no longer interested. And those numbers are always far higher than I would like to see. 00;56;25;20 - 00;56;50;10 Unknown And it's to that point, I think people get frustrated and they just drop that, they go on to the next thing. And so I think for all of us, that's one of our charges, is to reduce that. What I attribute to that frustration, the difficulty that we've all identified here and navigating, I think that's an area that's sort of low hanging fruit to, to improve our numbers. 00;56;50;12 - 00;57;14;00 Unknown so this I think we can expand upon the efforts under this memorandum of agreement. and then last but not least, Senate Bill 240 included, a report from the partners at the Able Trust there to develop, rather quickly on a similar kind of timeline. that has some, some overlap, but the work of this group. 00;57;14;00 - 00;57;40;21 Unknown And so I think we'll want to look carefully at what they're doing and, and be informed by that. as we put together our report, sort of a handful of thoughts, there is one thing that project ten was tasked to do by legislation, in 21, 22 is we are asked to do a comprehend of survey of transition services and, all of the school districts. 00;57;40;24 - 00;58;05;02 Unknown And so, so we sent that. So we sent a survey out and we had super high participation like almost all of the districts replied, I mean, where do you ever get like close to 100%? Never. but we did have a little bit of help from D.o.e. saying, you got to do this. And so, so that was pretty good. 00;58;05;04 - 00;58;37;06 Unknown the secret sauce. But, so it's not like brand new, but it does indentify some gaps. And so I thought that might be something that would want to look at that, we want to look at. And I wanted to say family network, disabilities is probably someone we should have come in because project ten is looking to partner with them more because we're primarily tasked with our work with school districts and school personnel at school and, and other transition stakeholders. 00;58;37;13 - 00;59;02;14 Unknown But we're not primarily focused on families, but we've been developing a lot more family, publications and trainings because we see that need it. And so, writing equity filling or disabilities into our grant this year so that we can do more and so they can provide us the population and we can collaborate together to reach families with that information. 00;59;02;16 - 00;59;51;26 Unknown So yes, there will be an asset. Sure. Meeting with them on the day, our consent, and the Early Steps program is now partnering with to families early on. Any more discussion from the to. Getting public comments and body color comments. Do we have any public comments? over the chat? Thanks. Just give a kudos to Akka for including, language in the IT and then keep managed care organizations about the Pathways to Prosperity program helping Medicaid members whether we have Medicaid by finding employment and amazing language in America at the end of the city. 00;59;51;29 - 01;00;15;05 Unknown And that's a $38 million a year program. So I think that's where the money is, and that's going to drive a lot of systems change, I think. I love to get many 16 to talk to you, but I did he had on some of the the language that I thought would really impact people with disabilities. And I do think that that is going to be a game changer because there's accountability requirements for the plans to they can't just say they're going to do it, they have to report on it. 01;00;15;07 - 01;00;33;15 Unknown So I was just really impressed with outcome. I've never seen any language like that in a medicaid it before. So that'll help get make sure that the plans are doing their part to equip families and ensure their members are getting what they deserve. Well, I appreciate that feedback. I wish I could take credit for that, but then I think I got an offer. 01;00;33;15 - 01;00;57;01 Unknown I got it just really exciting because it's very much about social determinants of health as well as Medicaid medical services, which Medicaid. Any comments from Gina and Catherine O'Grady? No, I just want to say thank you again for everybody being here and people who travel to be here and, and, and dedicating all the time. And you have a lot on your plate. 01;00;57;03 - 01;01;17;26 Unknown and so I want to make sure this is, this is meaningful. And so just really appreciate your participation and being here today. So. Thank you all for showing up and being here. you look forward to our next meeting. And I have one more quick question. So I'm sorry, I'm talking a lot. so I'm coming from Bradenton, Florida. 01;01;17;28 - 01;01;40;05 Unknown So that's a pretty long drive. And I don't mind coming, but I was just going to suggest that maybe since and and there will be more transition contacts who I don't think are here today will be coming from Collier County and Orlando. And so I think there'll be others. And I just wondered if maybe we might want to consider a longer meeting time, because I'm going to spend the night tonight. 01;01;40;05 - 01;02;08;26 Unknown And so I just started thinking maybe we should have like a longer meeting and, or maybe we could also have some in-between meetings that are, on zoom or something virtual. Yeah. So. Thank you for that. Yes I do they know what their, what the next steps are in the second. Thank you. Are we excited. We're expecting something between now and the next meeting right. 01;02;08;29 - 01;02;19;07 Unknown I'm not sure that we.